Take bribery & corruption reporting and resolution from outdated to outstanding.
Bribery and corruption, like other types of white-collar crime, represent a significant risk to companies globally, impacting both finances and reputation.
The primary reasons for underreporting such incidents include the absence of repercussions for those responsible and insufficient safeguards for those who report them.
Citations for statistics. The World Economic Forum • PwC • The Guardian
In tandem with robust anti-corruption initiatives and ethical protocols, an innovative solution for reporting misconduct, such as JDoe, can significantly lower the occurrences of bribery.
JDoe provides direct access to your policy documents and educational resources right within the app.
The Resolution Hub of JDoe empowers businesses to identify and address issues promptly, avoiding the need for external intervention.
With Open Reporting, the functionalities of JDoe expand across your entire business network, encompassing both suppliers and clients.
Mitigate exposure to financial risk
Bribery & Corruption
Build confidence with your ecosystem
Encourage 24/7 internal reporting
Compliance & Ethics
Build a culture of intentional integrity
Create and maintain a safe work environment
Eliminate conscious and unconscious bias
Establish a culture of zero tolerance
Personal Safety
Maintain trust and confidence with employees