Streamlined reporting

Dramatically increase reporting rates.

Elevate your investigative prowess.
JDoe partners with federal and state law enforcement agencies to elevate reporting rates, algorithmically pinpoint repeat offenders, and equip investigators with the tools to exhaustively analyze data, guaranteeing a holistic perspective and prioritizing high-impact interventions.

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Meet JDoe.
JDoe is cutting-edge, victim-centered software tailored for federal and state law enforcement agencies. It's designed to address reporting hesitations and effectively boost reporting rates. With JDoe’s information escrow system, agencies can not only expand their reach and identify repeat offenders faster but also enhance investigative processes, ensuring a resolute message of zero tolerance against misconduct, from sexual harassment to fraud.
Our initiative.
JDoe leverages over a decade of expertise to deploy software solutions for federal agencies, focusing on boosting reporting rates and streamlining investigations. Our anonymous reporting platform employs cutting-edge technology to ensure seamless reporting while safeguarding the anonymity of victims and witnesses. With a real-time, holistic view of incidents, JDoe enhances agency operations. By prioritizing security and accessibility, JDoe significantly improves reporting rates and swiftly identifies repeat offenders. For law enforcement agencies striving to enhance reporting and investigative capabilities, JDoe provides an aspirational solution.
Reports and Cases.
Federal and state law enforcement agencies partnering with JDoe gain access to a secure app and web platform. JDoe's exclusive anonymous reporting and information escrow system serve as the most reliable reporting mechanism available to law enforcement personnel, providing a real-time, holistic view of incidents and enhancing agency operations. As reporting rates surge, our system expedites the identification of repeat offenders, empowering investigators to prioritize impactful actions. Users who previously hesitated to share their incident reports are empowered to do so, facilitating comprehensive investigations. Moreover, agencies can utilize information escrow as a novel approach to handling incident reports, ensuring communal benefit even if users opt for anonymity or feel uneasy about sharing their reports.
Maps and Metrics.
Maps provides an overview of where incidents took place geographically and a heat map of reported incidents. Metrics provides an overview of reports and active cases, notifications, encrypted messages, and more.
Contact JDoe

Let's work together.

1. Civil Suits for Sexual Assault: Compensating Rape Victims. Hein Online.

2. Number of Discrimination Suits Soar. IM Diversity.

3. Marketing Budgets For Law Firms. Cepac.