Streamlined reporting

Dramatically increase reporting rates.

Build a speak up culture.
JDoe works with organizations to increase reporting rates and algorithmically identify repeat bad actors while fostering a culture of accountability, transparency, and trust.

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Meet JDoe.
JDoe is the most advanced and victim-centric anonymous reporting and information escrow software you can offer your employees. It is empathetically designed to eliminate the downside of reporting all forms of misconduct and is a highly effective solution for increasing reporting rates. With JDoe’s information escrow system, organizations can seamlessly cast a wider net and capture more misconduct reports that would have previously not been reported, identify repeat bad actors exponentially faster than the status quo, and send a clear “zero tolerance” message while acting as a strong deterrent against misconduct ranging from sexual harassment, to fraud, and everything in between.
Our initiative.
JDoe has over a decade of expertise building software that is laser focused on increasing reporting rates. Our anonymous reporting platform bypasses traditional reporting methods using a two-sided technological approach that facilitates reporting, ensures the anonymity of victims and witnesses, and a more holistic view of your organization’s realtime ethical health. By focusing on security and ease of access we aim to dramatically increase reporting rates. Behind the scenes, our platform is identifying repeat offenders and empowering employees to share their reports internally who otherwise wouldn’t. Using traditional methods, it is nearly impossible for organizations to find repeat bad actors when misconduct remains underreported. For organizations looking to elevate their speak up and internal reporting strategies, this is the aspirational solution you've been looking for.
Reports and Cases.
Organizations that partner with JDoe are provided access to a secure app and web platform. JDoe’s unique anonymous reporting and information escrow system offers the most trustworthy reporting mechanism available to your workforce. As reporting rates increase, so will the speed at which repeat bad actors are identified by our system. Users who otherwise would not have shared their reports internally will do so. Organizations can now leverage information escrow as a new modality for fielding misconduct reports to provide communal benefit even if employees remain anonymous or don’t feel comfortable sharing their reports internally.
Maps and Metrics.
Maps provides an overview of where incidents took place geographically and a heat map of reported incidents. Metrics provides an overview of reports and active cases, notifications, encrypted messages, and more.
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Let's work together.

1. Civil Suits for Sexual Assault: Compensating Rape Victims. Hein Online.

2. Number of Discrimination Suits Soar. IM Diversity.

3. Marketing Budgets For Law Firms. Cepac.